My mum just turned 60. My sister and I decided to surprise her with a trip to Dreamworld to walk a tiger. . . . yes you heard correctly. . . walk a tiger. Dreamworld offers 1 group of 4 people every morning to follow as two trainers take a tiger for a walk around Dreamworld for about one hour. A photographer also comes along and at certain locations you get a few photos taken.
This is what happened on the morning of the surprise. Dad woke mum up and gave her a card. He had written a birthday message in the card but the front of the card said "Time to have breakfast with your family". My mum was very confused as she was mean't to go to the doctor in the morning and both my sister and myself were totally busy at work. . . she started to cry.
I arrived next with brit close behind, confusing mum even more. We got her a quick breakfast and then brit gave mum another card from Cristian (Brit's husband) which said "it's time to get some comfy clothes on" and another from Brit which said "get some comfy shoes on too". When she had her clothes and shoes on I gave her a card which said "everyone is going for a drive" so we climbed into the car and travelled down the freeway towards Dreamworld. When we were nearly there I passed mum another card from Peter (my boyfriend) which said "Reaching our destination" and when we arrived at Dreamworld mum was still wondering what was going on, probably thinking we were just going to dreamworld.
We passed her the final card which was from Jasper her grandson. . it said "Surprise . . solve the riddle and claim your prize". We told her to look at the first letter of each card and she said "t" "i" "g".....TIGERS!!!!!!!!!! and then she started to cry again.
Mum and the rest of us had the most amazing time with the beautiful tiger we were lucky enough to walk, and we also spent the rest of the day at Dreamworld. It was such a fantastic day.